Basics of Santana Philosophy
Opportunity to think to be free,without any rulebook
Delimitation of Santana Philosophy (Darshan) may be given as
दर्शनम अर्थात ज्ञायते अर्थात साक्षात्कार क्रियते अनेन दर्शनम I
Darshanm arthat Gyaate taam Saakshaatkar Kriyate anene Darshanam
( What gives knowledge to understand GOD or puts in front of GOD is Philosophy)

The philosophy developed mainly in Indian subcontinent so may be called Indian Philosophy also. Beauty of this philosophy is that this includes Atheist or non-believers of GOD also.
The very purpose of this knowledge is to attain self-salvation or MOKSHA or get Param Ananda ( supreme Pleasure)
There are various paths explained to attain salvation or paraamananda
This has mainly two branches
Aastik Vaad and Naastik Vaad
Santana Philosophy has a long lineage of philosophers, whom we call Rishis These Rishis are Life-Scientists. Each one of them has contributed in different ways. Today Santana Philosophy is big tree, a big bank of knowledge which has many branches.
Santana Philosophy includes both, those who believe in God and those who do not believe in God.
Vedas are the supreme literature of Santana Philosophy. Those who have faith in Vedas and take its word as supreme verdict are called Aastik or believers in God.Those who do not have faith in Vedas as supreme verdict, are called Nastiks “Athiests”who do not consider Vedas as final verdict.
नास्तिको वेद निंदकः.
Nastiko Ved Nindakah
Read Now! The Beauty Of Santana Philosophy
- Nastik Darshan – Nastik Darshan has three main branches
Charvak Darshan by Rishi Brihaspati
Jain Darshan by Bhagwan Mahaveer
Boddh Darshan by Bhjagwan buddh
- Astik Darshan-Astik Darshan has six branches
Sankhy Yog by Maharshi Kapil Muni
Yog Darshan by Rishi Patanjali.
Nyay Darshan by Rishi Gautam
Vaisheshik Darshan by Rishi Kanad
Poorv Meemansa by Rishi Jaimini
Uttar Meemansa by Rishi Badarayan.
Nastik Darshan( Athiest Philosphy)
Charvaak Darshan —One very important shlok is
यतः जीवेत सुखम जीवेत ऋणं कृत्वा घृतं पिबेत I.
भस्मिभूतस्य देहस्य पुनरागमनं कुतः II
Yatah Jeevet Sukham JeevetmRinam Kritva Ghritam Pibet.
Bhasmibhootasya Dehasya punaraagamanam Kutah
Till you are alive enjoy all worldly pleasures of life,even by borrowing the money. After this body is burnt, where will be new birth, who knows.

- Jain philosophy –Jain philosophy has 24 main Rishis,called Threenkars.First is Rishabh Dev and the last is Bhagwan MahaveerJain philosophy believe in Atma and says that humankind itself is God and there is no separate God exists. Jainism believes in total vegetarianism. Taking any life or killing of any animal is a big sin.
अहिंसा परमोधर्मःI
Ahinsa Permodharamah Non-Violence is the Supreme Religion.
- Buddhism–Bhagwan Budhh is the originator of Bauddh Philosophy. This again has four branches.
- Vaibhashik वैभाषिक
- Shrautrantik श्रौतानतिक
- Madhymik माध्यमिक
- Yogachar योगाचार
Astik Darshan
Aastik Darshan has six branches or six schools of thought as abpve.
There are pairs of the six,two each.Such as Sankhy and yog ,.Nyay and Vaisheshik, Poorv Meemansa and Uttar Meemansa.
There is vast literature available to study and understand the six above mentioned
1.Yog and Sankhy-“Sankhy Sutram “and “Patanjal Yog Darshan” are main Volumes.They talk about “Prikriti” and “Purush”.These two are the creators jointly.They talk about twenty five elements.
चित्त वृत्ति निरोधःI
Chitt Vritti Nirodah.
Control of feelings
Chitt Vritti Nirodah.
Control of feelings
2.Nyaya and Vaisheshik—“Nyay Sutram” is the main volume, They believe in sixteen elements. They believe as Atma and Parmata are two different entities.They try to prove God through proof. Or Pramana..
3.Poorv Meemansa and Uttar Meemansa—In poorv meemansa twelve characteristics have been considered. Uttar Meemansa is called Vedant Darshan also.Main volume is “Brahm Sutraas ”.This is in four parts and has five hundred and fiftyfive equations to acheve the salvation.First equation is
“अथातो धर्म जिज्ञासा”
Athato Dharm Jigyasa
Athato Dharm Jigyasa
From here we will discuss God (Brahm)
This is brief description of Sanatan Philosphy or Sanatan Darshan.This is elemental study of human life done by Great Rishis and called Tatva Darshan.We will study further in more detail.